International tides in the future?

Pretty cool tide features you have here. Any plans to add international locations? I live in Baja California, Mexico, and I know a lot of people here would like to have this info....

Glad you like it and thanks.

Baja isn’t an option for me today but I’ll look into it.

I am looking to see if you have Puerto Penasco, Sonora Mexico as a location available? You solution looks excellent and I have a condo on the water there and would like to subscribe if the location would be available. Thank you.
I am looking to see if you have Puerto Penasco, Sonora Mexico as a location available? You solution looks excellent and I have a condo on the water there and would like to subscribe if the location would be available. Thank you.
I don't have Mexico's harmonic data to provide that. If it changes, I'll note it here, and send you a heads up.
I don't have Mexico's harmonic data to provide that. If it changes, I'll note it here, and send you a heads up.
Chris, in looking over what you offer with the printable calendars and so on, I would like to see what work effort it would take to add Puerto Penasco Mexico to your list. I see someone else asked for Baja also. I know its work and being a retired computer storage sales guy, I know things have an cost to help defray the upfront effort and subscriptions to insure long term support. Thank you.
Hi Mike,
I'll start looking into it further- at least the backend utility needs to be rebuilt. I estimate my PHP coder would need a week to fix / upgrade the backend, another week to customize things. His rates are good (50/hr) but it's not budgeted at the moment.