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Alaska Tides

Links below but to view a map, select any station then click on its map tab found below the calendar.

Popular Alaska beaches we serve are Homer, Juneau, Kenai, Seldovia, Ninilchik, Nikiski, Anchorage, Seward, Kodiak, Ketchikan, Perryville, Valdez, Sitka, Hoonah, Glacier Bay, Petersburg, Dutch Harbor, Whittier.

Alaska beach activity and coastline resources are Alaska Fish and Game, Alaska State Parks.

A short video I took of a strong ebb current spilling out of Mitchell Bay near Angoon.

Adak Island:
[Adak Bight] - [Bay of Waterfalls] - [Boot Bay] - [Clam Lagoon] - [Finger Bay] - [Sweeper Cove] - [Three Arm Bay] - [Unalga Bight]

Admiralty Island:
[Hawk Inlet entrance, Pileriver Cove] - [Whitewater Bay]

Adugak Islands:
[Umnak Island]

Aialik Bay:
[North end] - [Aialik Sill] - [Camp Cove]

Aialik Peninsula:
[Agnes Cove] - [Bear Cove]

Aleutian Islands:
[Akun Island] - [Akutan Island] - [Shemya Island] - [Amukta Island (north Side)] - [Chuginadak Island Applegate Cove] - [Beaver Bay] - [Bogoslof Island] - [Sitkin Island, Bugle Point] - [Kagalaska Island, Cemetery Point] - [Chankliut Island] - [Perryville, Chiachi Island, Chiachi Bay] - [Fenimore Pass] - [Sequam Island, Finch Cove] - [W Herbert Island] - [Kagalaska Island, Laska Cove] - [Unalga Island, Malga Bay] - [Aqattu Island, Otkriti Bay] - [Sitkin Island, Sand Bay] - [Sutwik Island, West End] - [Perryville] - [Tigalda Island, Tigalda Bay] - [Akun Island, Trident Bay] - [Ukolnoi Island] - [Unavikshak Island] - [Akutan Island, Reef Bight]

Alitak Bay:
[Lazy Bay]

Alva Bay:
[Revillagigedo Island]

Anchorage Bay:
[Chignik Bay]

Andreanof Islands:
[Atka Island (West side), Bechevin Bay]

[Whaler's Cove Lodge, Killisnoo Island] - [Angoon, Mitchell Bay] - [Kootznahoo Inlet, Mitchell Bay]

Annette Island:
[Tamgas Harbor]

Atka Island:
[Atka Pass] - [Nazon Bay] - [Cape Utalug 4 mi W] - [Explorer Bay] - [Martin Harbor, Korovin Bay] - [Nazan Bay] - [Sagchudak Island]

Attu Island:
[Chichagof Harbor] - [Etienne Bay] - [Holtz Bay] - [Steller Cove]

Auke Bay:
[Auke Bay]

Bainbridge Passage

Balboa Bay:
[Albatross Anchorage]

Baranof Island:
[Cape Ommaney] - [Catherine Island, Point Thatcher] - [Port Alexander] - [Port Banks, Whale Bay] - [Port Conclusion] - [Port Walter] - [Red Bluff Bay] - [Golf Island, Necker Island]

Bell Island:
[Bell Arm]

Bering Sea:
[Black River entrance] - [Cape Romanzof] - [Kokechik Bay] - [Yukon River, Kwikluak Pass] - [St. Matthew Island] - [Tachikuga Bay, Nunivak Island] - [Tin City] - [Village Cove, St. Paul Island] - [Zapadni Bay, St. George Island]

Bering Strait:
[Red Dog Mine]

Biverly Inlet:
[Biorka Village]

Blying Sound:
[Day Harbor]

Bradfield Canal:
[Wrangell Island, Blake Island]

Bristol Bay:
[Amak Island] - [Walrus Islands, Black Rock] - [Grant Point, Izembek Lagoon] - [Middle Bluff, Kvichak Bay] - [Port Heiden] - [Port Moller (entrance point)] - [Port Moller]

Bucareli Bay:
[Craig] - [San Fernando Island, Waterfall Resort] - [Diamond Point] - [Port Santa Cruz, Suemez Island]

Cape Newenham:
[Hagemeister Island North]

Carter Spit

Castle Bay:
[Northwest Arm]

Chichagof Island:
[Dry Pass, Hill Island] - [Elbow Passage, Klag Bay] - [Falcon Arm, Slocum Arm] - [Freshwater Bay] - [Kimshan Cove, Ogden Passage]

Chilkat Inlet:
[Letnikof Cove, Haines Packing Co]

Cholmondeley Sound:
[Divide Head] - [Lancaster Cove]

Coal Bay:
[Seal Cape]

Cold Bay:
[Cold Bay] - [Lenard Harbor]

Controller Bay:
[Wingham Island]

Cook Inlet:
[Anchor Point] - [Anchorage] - [Bear Cove, Kachemak Bay] - [Cape Ninilchik] - [Drift River Term] - [E Foreland] - [Fire Island] - [Halibut Cove, Kachemak Bay] - [Homer] - [Iliamna Bay] - [Kenai City Pier] - [Kenai River entrance] - [Nikiski] - [Ninilchik] - [Nordyke Island, Kamishak Bay] - [Oil Bay, Kamishak Bay] - [Port Chatham] - [Port Graham] - [Sadie Cove, Kachemak Bay] - [Seldovia] - [Snug Harbor] - [Sunrise, Turnagain Arm] - [Tutka Bay,Kachemak Bay] - [Tuxedni Channel] - [Ushagat Island, Barren Islands]

Copper River Delta:
[Pete Dahl Slough]

Coronation Island

Cross Sound:
[Cape Bingham] - [Cape Spencer] - [Granite Cove] - [Inian Cove, North Inian Pass] - [Point Lavinia, South Inian Pass]

Dall Island:
[Forrester Island] - [Gooseneck Harbor] - [Sakie Bay] - [Sea Otter Harbor] - [Security Cove]

Davidson Inlet:
[Cyrus Cove, Sea Otter Sound] - [Edna Bay] - [El Capitan Island] - [Holbrook, Kosciusko Island] - [Karheen, Sea Otter Sound] - [Marble Island] - [Marble Passage] - [Port Alice, Heceta Island] - [Tuxekan Passage (north end)] - [Tuxekan Passage (south end)] - [Tuxekan, 0.5 mile south of]

Deer Passage:
[King Cove]

Delarof Islands:
[Gareloi Island] - [Ogliuga Island (east coast)] - [Ulak Island]

[Snag Point]

Diver Islands:
[Meares Passage]

Dixon Entrance:
[Duke Island, Barren Island] - [Nichols Bay] - [Cape Chacon]

Dolgoi Island:
[Dolgoi Harbor]

Douglas Island:
[Fritz Cove]

Dry Bay

Duncan Canal:
[Butterworth Island] - [Castle Islands] - [Grief Island]

Eek Channel, off Quinhagak

Eenayarak River:
[Apokak Creek Entrance]

Egegik River:
[Egegik] - [Entrance]

El Capitan Passage
Elbow Bay

Ernest Sound:
[Union Bay]

Etolin Island:
[Dewey Anchorage] - [Streamer Bay] - [Steamer Bay]

Exchange Cove

Eyak River:
[Center Slough, Eyak River entrance]

Favorite Channel:
[Juneau, Young Bay]

Fish Bay:
[Haley Anchorage]

Frederick Sound:
[Brown Cove] - [Cannery Cove, Pybus Bay] - [Cleveland Passage, Whitney Island] - [Cosmos Point] - [Dry Strait] - [Eliza Harbor, Admiralty Island] - [Eliza Harbor, Liesnoi Island] - [Herring Bay] - [Ideal Cove, Mitkof Island] - [Jap Bay] - [Leconte Bay] - [Portage Bay, Kupreanof Island] - [Saginaw Bay, Kuiu Island] - [Thomas Bay]

Funter Bay State Marine Park:
[Barlow Cove]

Gambier Bay:
[Cannery Wharf] - [Good Island]

Gastineau Channel:
[Juneau, Stephens Pass]

Glacier Bay:
[Bartlett Cove] - [Composite Island] - [Dixon Harbor, Palma Bay] - [Graves Harbor] - [Muir Inlet] - [Willoughby Island]

Goodnews Bay:
[Goodnews Bay entrance, Platinum]

Gravina Island:
[Nehenta Bay]

Gulf of Esquibel:
[Anguilla Island] - [Steamboat Bay, Noyes Island] - [Warm Chuck Inlet, Tonowek Bay]

Hadley, Lyman Anchorage

Hagemeister Strait:
[Estus Point]

Halibut Bay

Harris Bay:
[Crater Bay] - [Two Arm Bay] - [Upper Northwestern Fiord]

Hassler Island:
[Convenient Cove]

Hetta Inlet:
[Copper Harbor] - [Mud Bay] - [Sulzer]

Hinchinbrook Island:
[Johnstone Point]

Hobart Bay:

Holkham Bay:
[Tracy Arm entrance]

Hoonah Sound:
[Fairway Island] - [Rodman Bay, Point Elizabeth]

Icy Bay:
[Icy Bay entrance, Point Riou] - [Tyndall Glacier]

Icy Strait:
[Excursion Inlet entrance] - [Excursion Inlet] - [Flynn Cove] - [Hoonah Harbor, Port Frederick] - [Idaho Inlet] - [Lemesurier Island Light, N Passage] - [Mud Bay, Goose Island] - [Point Adolphus] - [Swanson Harbor]

Ikatan Bay:
[Unimak Island]


Kaigani Strait:
[American Bay] - [Kaigani Harbor]

Kakul Narrows

Kanaga Island:
[Cape Chlanak] - [Cape Chunu] - [Kanaga Bay] - [Shoal Point]

Kasaan Bay:
[Entrance] - [Hollis Anchorage] - [Karta Bay] - [Kasaan] - [Polk Inlet (south end)] - [Saltery Cove, Skowl Arm] - [Lindeman Cove]

Kasnyku Bay:
[Hidden Falls]

Kassa Inlet entrance

Kazakof Bay:
[Marmot Bay]

Keete Inlet

Keku Strait:
[Kupreanof Island, Beck Island] - [Entrance Island] - [Hamilton Bay, Kupreanof Island] - [Kake] - [Monte Carlo Island] - [Port Camden, Kuiu Island] - [Kuiu Island, Reid Bay] - [Seclusion Harbor, Kuiu Island] - [Security Bay, Kuiu Island] - [Sumner Island] - [The Summit]

Kell Bay:
[Affleck Canal, Kuiu Island]

Kenai Peninsula:
[Anchor Point] - [Nuka Bay, Beauty Bay]

Ketchikan Gateway:
[Gravina Island, Vallendar Point]

Killisnoo Island:
[Whaler's Cove Lodge]

Kizhuyak Bay
Kizhuyak Point
Klokachef Island

Knight Island:
[Herring Point] - [Point Helen] - [Port Audrey] - [Snug Harbor]

[Chirikof Island] - [Chowiet Island] - [Port of Kodiak] - [USCG Station Kodiak, St Paul Harbor] - [USCG Station Kodiak, Women's Bay]

Kodiak Island:
[Shuyak Island, Big Bay] - [Afognak Island, Izhurt Bay (West)] - [Afognak Island, Seal Bay] - [Sitkinak Island (South side), Sitkinak Lagoon] - [Three Saints Bay] - [Afognak Island, Tonki Bay] - [Ugak Bay (Saltery Cove)] - [Viekoda Bay]

Kootznahoo Inlet:
[Favorite Bay] - [Mitchell Bay]

Kosciusko Island:
[Pole Anchorage] - [Shakan Strait]

Kotzebue Sound:
[Kiwalik] - [Kotzebue]

Kruzof Island:
[Gilmer Bay] - [Shoals Point]

Kuiu Island:
[Point St. Albans] - [Port Beauclerc] - [Port Malmesbury] - [Port McArthur] - [Table Bay] - [Tebenkof Bay]

Kuiukta Bay:
[Hump Island]

Kukak Bay:
[Aguchik Island]

Kupreanof Island:
[Duncan Canal]

Kupreanof Peninsula:
[Fox Bay]

Kupreanof Strait:
[Dry Spruce Island] - [Nachalni Island] - [Onion Bay] - [Uzkosti Point]

Kuskowkwim River:
[Bethel] - [Kuskokwak Creek entrance]

Kvichak River:
[Kvichak] - [Levelock] - [Nakeen]

Lake Bay
Level Islands
Lindenburg Head

Lisianski Inlet:
[Canoe Cove (North pass)]

Lisianski Strait and Inlet:
[Miner Island] - [Stag Bay]

Lituya Bay 2 mi inside entrance

Lynn Canal:
[Cove Point, Berner's Bay] - [Funter Bay] - [Haines Inlet] - [Lincoln Island] - [Skagway, Taiya Inlet] - [Taiyasanka Harbor, Taiya Inlet] - [William Henry Bay]

Mabel Island

Marmot Bay:
[Spruce Island, Knee Bay]

Marmot Strait:
[Marmot Island]

Massacre Bay:

Meares Island, South Side

Meares Passage:
[Eagle Point]

Middleton Island (north end)
Minnie Bay

Misty Fjord:
[Rudyerd Bay]

Mitrofania Island

Moira Sound:
[Niblack Anchorage]

Montague Island:
[5 mi NE of Point Brazil] - [Hanning Bay] - [Macleod Harbor] - [Patton Bay] - [Perch Point] - [Port Chalmers] - [Wooded Islands]

Morzhovoi Bay

Moser Bay:
[Trap Point]

N Kujulik Bay

Naha Bay:

Nakchamik Island

Naknek River:
[Entrance] - [King Salmon Airport] - [Morakas Point] - [Omakstalia Point]

Nazan Bay:
[Atka Island, Atka]

Neva Strait:
[Whitestone Narrows] - [Zeal Point]

Nismeni Cove

North Slope:
[Cross Island, Dinkum Sands] - [Staines River entrance, Flaxman Island]

Norton Sound:
[Yukon River, Apoon Mouth] - [Carolyn Island, Golovnin Bay] - [Nome] - [North Bay, Stuart Island] - [Pikmiktalik River entrance] - [St. Michael]

Nuka Passage

Nushagak Bay:
[Clarks Point] - [Protection Point] - [Snag Point]

Nutkwa Inlets:
[Keete Island]

Olga Bay (A. P. A. Cannery)

Orca Inlet:
[Gravel Point] - [Orca] - [Shag Rock]

Paul Island:
[Kupreanof Harbor]

Pavlof Bay:
[Canoe Bay] - [Settlement Point]

Perenosa Bay

Perry Island:
[South Bay]

[Turn Point]

Point Barrow

Popof Island:
[Sand Point]

Port Chester:

Port Dick:
[Takoma Cove]

Port Etches:
[Hinchinbrook Island]

Port Snettisham:
[Crib Point] -
[Point Styleman]

Portage Bay:
[Kanatak Lagoon]

Portland Canal:
[Davis River entrance]

Povorotni Island:
[Pogibshi Point]

Prince of Wales Island:
[Ingraham Bay] - [Menefee Anch.] - [Port Protection] - [Ratz Harbor] - [Red Bay]

Prince of Whales Island:
[Hunter Bay] - [Kosciusko Island, Shakan Bay Entrance] - [Tah Bay]

Prince William Sound:
[Applegate Island] - [Chenega Island, Dangerous Passage] - [SW Chenega Island] - [Comfort Cove, Port Gravina] - [Orca Inlet, Cordova] - [Culross Bay, Wells Passage] - [Eshamy Bay, Knight Island Passage] - [Eshamy Lagoon] - [Gibbon Anchorage, Green Island] - [Hogg Bay, Port Bainbridge] - [Jackson Cove, Glacier Island] - [Kings Bay, Port Nellie Juan] - [Landlocked Bay, Port Fidalgo] - [Latouche Island, Latouche] - [Long Bay Entrance, Culross Passage] - [Naked Island, McPherson Passage] - [Sawmill Bay, Evans Island] - [Smith Island] - [Snug Corner Cove, Port Fidalgo] - [Storey Island (north side)] - [Valdez] - [Whittier, Passage Canal] - [Windy Bay, Hawkins Island] - [Guguak]

Prudhoe Bay:
[Prudhoe Bay STP Dock #2] - [Prudhoe Bay STP Dock #1]

Puale Bay

Ragged Island:
[Chance Cove]

Raspberry Strait:
[Dolphin Point]

Rat Islands:
[Constantine Harbor, Amchitka Island] - [Kiska Island, Gertrude Cove] - [Kiska Harbor, Kiska Island]

Rat Islands:
[Amchitka Island, South Bight]

Resurrection Bay:

Revillagigedo Ch:
[Burroughs Bay] - [Cape Fox] - [Coon Island, George Inlet] - [Fitzgibbon Cove] - [Gnat Cove, Carroll Inlet] - [Hassler Harbor, Annette Island] - [Kah Shakes Cove] - [Kelp Island Passage, Duke Island]

Revillagigedo Channel:
[Alava Bay] - [Boca de Quadra] - [Mary Island Anchorage] - [Mop Point, Thorne Arm] - [Morse Cove, Duke Island] - [Nakat Harbor] - [Nigelius Point, Carroll Inlet] - [Port Tongass, Tongass Island] - [Shoalwater Pass] - [Shrimp Bay] - [Ward Cove]

Robert Islands:
[Port Houghton]

Rocky Bay:
[Picnic Harbor]

Salisbury Sound:
[Bear Bay, Bear Bay Island] - [Kruzof Island, Scraggy Point]

Sanak Islands:
[Peterson Bay] - [Sanak Harbor]

Sergius Narrows:
[Serguis Point]

Seymour Canal:
[Rasp Ledge]

Shelikof Strait:
[Katmai Bay] - [Malina Bay] - [Nukshak Island] - [Takli Island]

Shishmaref Inlet:

Shumagin Islands:
[E Korovin Island] - [Nagai Island, Mist Harbor] - [Pirate Cove, Popof Island] - [Nagai Island, Sanborn Harbor] - [Zachary Bay, Unga Island]

Shuyak Island:
[Andreon Bay] - [Carry Inlet]

Shuyak Strait:
[Redfox Bay]

Sitka Sound:
[Dog Point, Lisianski Peninsula] - [Olga Point, Olga Strait] - [Sitka, Baronof Island] - [Symonds Bay, Biorka Island]

Sitkalidak Island:
[Port Hobron]

Smeaton Bay (Wilson Arm)

Snow Passage:
[Bushy Island]

Spruce Island:

St. Lawrence Island:
[Fossil River entrance] - [Maknik Lagoon entrance] - [Moghoweyik River entrance] - [Niyrakpak Lagoon entrance] - [Northeast Cape] - [Powooiliak Point]

Stephens Passage:
[Holkham Bay, Wood Spit] - [The Brothers Islands] - [Windham Bay]

Stepovak Bay:
[Dent Point]

Stikine Strait:
[Reef Point] - [Stikine River Entr., Point Rothsay]

Taku Harbor:
[Tiger Olsen Cabin]

Taku Inlet:
[Greely Point] - [Taku Point]

Tanaga Island:
[Gusty Bay] - [Hot Springs Bay] - [Lash Bay] - [Tanaga Bay]

Tenakee Inlet:
[Tenakee Springs]

Tlevak Strait:
[Kasook Inlet, Sukkwan Island] - [McFarland Islands] - [Natalia Point] - [North Pass, West End] - [Rose Inlet] - [Saltery Point] - [Soda Bay] - [South Pass, Sukkwan Strait] - [Tlevak Narrows] - [View Cove]

Tongass Narrows:

Tracy Arm:
[Stewart Glacier, Sawyer Island]

Traitors Cove:
[Inside Narrows] - [Lower Section]

Uganik Bay:
[Northeast Arm] - [Uganik Passage] - [Village Islands]

Ulloa Channel:
[Cape Flores] - [Ulloa Island] - [Waterfall Cannery]

Umnak Island:
[Cape Sagak] - [Driftwood Bay] - [Inanudak Bay] - [Kigul Island] - [Okee Bay] - [Otter Point]

Unalaska Island:
[Anderson Bay] - [Chernofski Harbor] - [Dutch Harbor, Amaknak Island] - [Eagle Bay] - [English Bay] - [Kashega Bay] - [Kisselen Bay] - [Kukak Bay, Kukak] - [Kuliliak Bay] - [Raven Bay] - [Skan Bay] - [Udagak Strait] - [Udamat Bay, Sedanka Island] - [Dutch Harbor] - [Usof Bay]

Unimak Island:
[Cape Mordvinof] - [Cape Sarichef] - [Dora Harbor] - [False Pass, Isanotski Strait] - [Scotch Cap] - [St. Catherine Cove]

Uyak Bay:
[Larsen Bay] - [Mining Camp] - [Uyak] - [Zachar Bay]

Valdez Arm:
[Ellamar, Tatitlek Narrows] - [Jack Bay] - [Rocky Point]

Warehouse Creek entrance

Warm Spring Bay:

Whale Island:
[Fox Bay]

Whale Passage:
[Thorne Island]

Wide Bay:
[Lees Cabins]

Windfall Harbor:
[Seymour Canal]

Wrangell Island:
[Greys Island] - [Wrangell]

Wrangell Narrow:
[Finger Point, Lindenburg Peninsula]

Wrangell Narrows:
[Petersburg] - [Point Lockwood, Woewodski Island] - [Beecher Pass]

Yakobi Island:
[Surge Bay] - [Takanis Bay]

Yakutat Bay:
[Johnstone Passage] - [Point Latouche] - [Redfield Cove] - [Yakutat]

Yes Bay:

Yukon River:
[Kawanak Pass entrance]

Yunaska Island:
[East Cove] - [North Side]

Zarembo Island:
[St.John Harbor]

Zimovia Strait:
[Olive Cove] - [Thoms Point] - [Village Rock]